The initial experiments chronicle the topic of electroplating using various metals.
In searching the internet, I've found that there is a lot of information on copper and zinc plating, a little bit on nickel plating, and (for the home experimenter) a lot of incorrect information about silver (real .9999 purity silver) plating. Most of the information on silver boils down to "you can't do it at home because you need a cyanide electrolyte." Well, you can do it at home - I did it yesterday, and not with cyanide! I did it with peroxide and baking soda. I have successfully plated with all of those metals using such simple electrolyte solutions - various combinations of vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and salt. It's not always easy, and it takes experimentation, but it's possible and you can get some good results.
Awesome. Thank you so much for passing along your results. This is great for when I'm ready to electroform with silver at home.